Service Hotline


We have the the world's largest product library with nearly one million CAS numbers. And with our strong promotion effect, over 500,000 product pages are listed on Google homepage. Besides, there are 20,000 high quality purchases per month with 16,000 from Europe.

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Firstly, is a professional chemical B2B network platform. Anyone and enterprise who use website should strictly observe the relevant nation laws and regulations. Any contraband chemical products are forbidden on (drugs, drugs easily to produce, stimulant, chemical products using in biochemical weaon and etc.).

Secondly, respect and protect privacy right of all users. No one on would take the initiative to let out your registered account number and password to third party without your permission.

Thirdly, is just a network platform for information display. Information which appears on our Site about our members or their products (including but not limited to company name, contact person and details, product description and specifications, photographs, videos, etc.) are provided by the members. None of the is responsible or liable for the accuracy, propriety, legality or truthfulness of any such information. In addition, none of is responsible or liable for the conduct of any of our members in relation to their business activities using or providing information on the Site.

Our Advantages

1.Our product library, the world's largest with one nearly one million CAS numbers.

2.Our strong promotion effect, around 500,000 products ranked Google home page.

3.Our Large purchase quantity, around 20,000 purchases of hight quality per month, and 16,000 purchases are from Europe.

4.Evaluation of our users (said by themselves), the world's best! - 90% evaluation of the members say our platform is quite excellent and professional after using it!

Hangzhou Headquarters

Customer service machine

+86-571-87562588 / 87562561


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Hangzhou Office

Suite# 80G, No. 1 Building, Guodu

Development Mansion, No. 182

Chaohui Road, Hangzhou China.

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